
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I have Chipseal over existing asphalt?
A. Absolutely! A lot of our roads are a reseal over asphalt, extending the life of the road substantially.

Q. Do I have to repair cracks in my asphalt before chipsealing?
A. Not necessarily.  A double chipseal will fill and eliminate most cracks.

Q:   Will we have to stay off the road while work is been done?
A:    Roads will typically have no more than a 10 minute delay at a time.

Q: How long before we can drive on it?
A: Immediately.

Q: Will the oil get on my car?
A: No. As long as you drive at a reasonable speed.

Q: What is the reason you have a gravel road upgraded to chipseal?
A: It eliminates the yearly grading and graveling of gravel roads. Upgrading to chipseal eliminates dust while maintaining a country look.

Q: How much does it cost?
A: I look at all jobs before quoting a price but traditionally it’s been an affordable alternative to asphalt

Tired of pot holes & dusty roads? Call Loucks Grading and WaterTruck!

Chipseal is the economical alternative to asphalt
Phone#: 275-2195      CELL: 227-2194